When you start breastfeeding,it's natural to worry that your breastmilk isn't enough.
It's one of the most common reasons why moms decide to stop breastfeeding, or give their babies formula milk.
Production of Milk
Every time baby suckles at the breast, nerve endings in the nipple gets stimulated and sends message to anterior pituitary, which makes Prolactin.
Prolactin makes the gland cells in the breast to secret milk.
Prolactin works after the baby suckles, and makes milk for next feed.
These events, from stimulation of the nipple to secretion of milk are called milk secreting reflex or Prolactin reflex.
Oxytocin secreted by posterior pituitary, is produced when the baby suckles and stimulates the sensory nerves in the nipple and makes milk flow for present feed.
This event is called as ejection reflex or Oxytocin reflex.
Always remember,
• More suckling makes more milk
• Baby suckling in good position increases milk production
• If mother is worried, it suppresses milk.
• If she is in pain, it hinders milk ejection.
• If she is embarrassed, it hinders milk ejection.
If you start giving your baby formula as well as breastmilk, you may find yourself in a bit of a cycle.So,Your body makes milk on a supply-and-demand basis.
If your baby needs less of your breastmilk because he's formula-fed, your breasts will get the signal to make less milk. Then you'll need to give with formula to satisfy baby appetite.
You can quickly turn this around by continuing to breastfeed your baby whenever he/she wants, for as long as he/she wants. You can give your milk supply an extra boost by expressing after feeds.
You can quickly turn this around by continuing to breastfeed your baby whenever he/she wants, for as long as he/she wants. You can give your milk supply an extra boost by expressing after feeds.
This will boost your milk supply, and you can keep doing it until your baby has learnt to latch on well. U can feel like it is hard but keep in mind that it’s not forever. Breastfeeding is best for your baby, as it protects baby against illness.
Your breastmilk may also help to reduce your baby's chances of developing allergies and intolerances later on.
Even if you can only breastfeed for a short while, your baby will still benefit. your baby will get what he needs, every time he feeds.
Tips to Increase Breast Milk Supply ...
Sometimes, mothers assume that the milk supply is low, following are some tips which help to increase breast milk supply.
1.Make sure your baby is latched on and positioned well.
2. Nurse frequently and efficiently: Milk production is a demand and supply process. The more the baby drinks, the higher is the production. More suckling makes more milk.Breastfeed often and let your baby decide when to end the feeding.
3. Express milk: If the baby is unable to empty one breast, express the milk after nursing to maintain the milk supply.
4. Nursing vacation: Spend time just nursing the baby for two to three days and do nothing else. Of course, you have to feed yourself and be relaxed.
5. Switch sides: Make baby drink from both the breasts. Switch sides twice or thrice every time you feed. But let the baby finish one breast and then switch to the other. This technique gives fatty ‘hind milk’ to the baby.
6. Avoid using pacifiers and nipple shields.
7. Avoid solids: If the baby is younger than six months, avoid feeding her solids, water and formula.Your baby may lose interest in your breastmilk, and your milk supply will decrease. If you need to supplement your baby's feedings with more milk, try using a spoon, cup, or a dropper filled with pumped breastmilk.
8. Rest well: Besides eating well, rest well. Consume well-balanced diet and more liquids.
9. Check medication: If mother is taking medicines, find out from doctor if they are interfering with milk production. Avoid using hormonal contraceptives after delivery.
10. Stay calm and relaxed: Stress play a major role in reducing the milk production. The key is to stay relaxed by practicing healthy, stress reduction techniques like breathing exercises that would help ensure a good supply of milk.
11. Use the right bra: Wearing a tight bra that compresses your chest region or one that is rigid around the breast can affect milk flow. The wrong bra can lead to clogged ducts, blocking milk production.
12. Breast massage: Massaging the breasts will help open blocked ducts, loosening hardened areas or lumps. It does not increase milk production but allows easy flow of milk. It may even lessen the risk of mastitis.
The following signs should reassure you that your baby is getting enough breastmilk:
- Your baby passes enough clear or pale yellow urine. The urine is not deep yellow or orange.
- Your baby has enough bowel movements.
- Your baby switches between short sleeping periods and wakeful, alert periods.
- Your baby is satisfied and content after feedings.
- Your breasts may feel softer after feeding.
- Your baby has about five to eight wet nappies in 24 hours. This means he's getting plenty to drink.
Baby is Not Getting Enough Milk..
If the baby is not getting enough milk, it may be due to following reasons.
1. Mother does not breastfeed the baby often: Restricting the number of breastfeeds in any way, for example feeding only at certain times (scheduled feeds) also limits the supply of milk.
2. The baby does not want to suckle for long enough: If baby does not suckle enough, the supply of milk decreases.
3. Mother restricts the length of breastfeed: If a mother feeds her baby for only 5-10 mints and the baby is a slow feeder. He doesn’t get the hind milk and seems to be hungry.
4. Mother started supplements too early: Some mothers start supplement feeds too early like juice, honey, Glucose, etc. This supplement feed fills the baby’s stomach and he suckles less on breast which decreases breast milk.
5. Baby suckles in poor position: If baby suckles in poor position he doesn’t remove the breast milk effectively and supply decreases.
6. Mother has poor ejection reflex: If mother is anxious, in pain, lonely, embarrassed etc her feelings hinder ejection reflex, so milk flow is altered.
7. Mother lacks confidence: A mother who lacks confidence can doubt her milk away.
8. Mother is not enthusiastic about breastfeeding: Sometimes mother does not want to breastfeed her baby. She wants to leave her baby with someone else like relatives, friends so start artificial feed, which decreases breast feed.
9. Mother is undernourished: Mothers undernourished may produce less breast milk.
It's normal for your baby to lose a small amount of weight in the first days after birth.But, as long as he's feeding well, he'll soon start putting on weight again.
If you're having real trouble breastfeeding, you may need to give your baby formula milk temporarily.Giving your baby formula doesn't have to mean that breastfeeding is over. It's just a temporary measure to get you through a tough patch and give you a chance to rebuild your supply.
But you may still be able to go back to full breastfeeding, with the support of a lactation consultant.
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